How to Are you Really Crazy? in 7 Easy Steps
I've held my tongue for too long and now it's time to speak the truth. Over the past few years I have heard many men but not many women refer to other women as crazy. I have a problem and I would like to dedicate these two words. Number 1 is for guys who refer to most women as crazy. Yes... I'm talking about you buddy! Since most of you think you are so smart, I want to ask you a question. Where was the madness before these so-called crazy women decided to get married, get married or have children? In rare cases women go crazy for no reason. So you my friend or maybe the guy you wasted so much time with was crazy because he didn't see your intelligence? Where was your intelligence, conscience, wisdom? A disclaimer is that there are some people who are clinically insane but that usually manifests itself pretty quickly and I'm sure Heck didn't put himself in a position to get himself out of the deal. So what's your excuse...I mean story telling?
Second, it's all about hard-working, smart, holding on, dedicated to taking care of their kids and beautiful women who think they might be crazy. My sister if you were really crazy you wouldn't be able to do all the things and fulfill all the roles you or your big family have to play. Don't let people make you feel so bad about yourself that you're crazy and stop putting yourself down because the second they call you crazy. If you are so crazy why was he with you? It seems like there might be something really wrong with him.
To reverse the damage you really need to look at yourself and see how amazing you really are. Physically you've put on some weight or let's say mentally you've been acting a little different lately... you're not crazy my friend, you've had enough and you're fighting for your life!!! We can all go a little crazy under the greatest pressure. Remember that this is usually a major stressor and you are not crazy. Start filling your mind with positive thoughts about yourself and do something to build your confidence and worth. Not to notice others but to see and appreciate myself for my beautiful sister. It's time for you to fall in love.
Now other women who go around humming the same crap are called crazy women in some words. I just have to tell you to stop it. Stop feeding what so many men want to promote in us women which is mistrust and division. If we are not together we are divided and a divided community is something. Our women will not fall victim to the strategy of supporting each other. When you do it's probably your puppet whose strings have been deliberately pulled...and crazy
You all can work for a living... I promise you.
with the love of my heart,
Do you want to hear sometimes I think about eating a bullet?
Do you want to hear that I sometimes think about eating a bullet? Huh? Okay I will! I even got a special bullet for the occasion with a hollow point, look!
What makes a crazy person?
Some of the things that drive a person crazy include: Extreme stress – The person may not have a good way to deal with the situation in their life and they just can't deal with it, so instead of turning to stress management like meditation or mindfulness, they Act in emotionally charged ways.
How does a crazy person act?
Mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot manage his/her affairs due to psychosis or is subject to uncontrolled impulsive behavior. Insanity is distinguished from low intelligence or mental deficiency due to age or injury.